Using the Guitar Pickup Selector

The Gentle Art of Using the Guitar Pickup Selector (or how to make your bassplayer happy!) This is a slightly tongue-in-cheek post, but I thought it might be informative. As resident bassist in New River I am constantly engaged in the bitterest acrimony with our guitarist (in my capacity as musical advisor) regarding the gentle […]
Transferable Skills on the Guitar, Part I
(or how to own on the guitar in record time) Hey folks…it’s me again…time to settle down guitar in time with a nice cup of tea and a biccy and listen to my words of wisdom… No but seriously… today I want to have a chat with you all about the usefulness of transferable […]
Jazz Transcription Resource
Greetings fellow music lovers. As you no doubt know, or should do if you’ve been learning jazz, transcribing, learning and analysing the solos of the greats is one of the best ways to get your improv skills cooking. However in my experience a lot of people seem to get put off attempting this – perhaps […]
7 Steps to Learn Funk Piano

How Practice & Learn Funk Piano Funk piano! – when we hear it done well you might find yourself saying: “Wow! I really wish I could do that.” When you hear the pros effortlessly playing funk with a great rhythmic feel and continual variation they sound awesome. Since it can seem intimidating trying to […]
Ten Essential Principles of Productive Practice
Practice is the key to progress, but without effective tactics, you’re liable to get nowhere fast and give up in frustation. Here are ten red-hot tips for enhancing your practice sessions and making sure you get the most out of your precious practice time! 1 – “Break it up!” – the undeniable utility of “Small-Chunking” […]
Roleplaying for Guitarists
(or 101 things you can do with a guitar) Hey folks…I’m back again and I’m here to tell you about all the wonderful things you can do with a guitar! Seriously…aside from music you can employ it for a variety of manual tasks such as improvising a hammer, a cricket bat or even going as […]